Puppy pose – a delightful stretch for your entire upper body! It lengthens and invigorates your spine, chest, shoulders, and arms, leaving you feeling open and relaxed. This pose also works wonders for improving posture by gently coaxing your shoulders back and down, counteracting the hunched position many of us experience from daily activities. However, if you have tight hamstrings or a general lack of flexibility in your back, achieving the full expression of puppy pose might be challenging.
But here's the good news – there's always a modification! In this case, starting from a wall can be a fantastic option. This variation not only allows you to experience the wonderful upper body benefits of puppy pose but also incorporates a hamstring stretch, which is key to achieving the full pose eventually. Remember, yoga is all about honoring your body and finding what works best for you. If you experience any discomfort or pain while practicing a pose, never hesitate to let your teacher know. At One Om One, our skilled and attentive instructors are there to guide you through modifications and variations that perfectly suit your individual needs and limitations. So, embrace the journey of exploration, and let your yoga practice be a source of both challenge and comfort.