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Yoga Specialties :

Yoga Lessons for Tight Muscles

Yoga Lessons for Plus Size & Body Positivity

Yoga Lessons for Seniors

Message from Asako

Everybody is different and unique. If you feel it in your body, you are on the right track. I want you to enjoy 🙂

What Asako keeps in mind when she leads 1-on-1 yoga practice

I want to share the practice that will bring you joy and happiness. So you can be balanced in body and mind !

About Asako Suehiro

Asako started yoga in 2006 with Shilpa Ghatalia at Yogshakti in KL. After taking many workshops such as Buteyko, Body Cleansing, Meditation and several 21day courses, she took Yogshakti’s Integrative Teacher Training Course and completed her Yoga Alliance RYT200 in 2015 and RYT500 certification in 2018 with Shilpa and Paddy Mcgrath.

She has done 65hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training with JoPhee. Asako discovered that yoga is not just about taking care of the body but it is useful in bringing about awareness off the mat in everyday life. Being introduced to the philosophy of Advaita by Ragi Kadirgamar was a real eye opener for her. In classes, she works on the energy body in order for the Chi to flow unobstructed throughout the body.

Asako teaches at Yogshakti, UTL and FITOKYO. She also offers private classes, yoga for Scoliosis classes, meditation and Yoga Nidra Sessions. She is also Gendai Reiki Master.